RightFax 20 News, Features & Updates

Last updated: May 5th, 2020.

RightFax 20 Enhancement Pack 2 (20.2) expands on version 16.6 with some the most valuable workflow enhancements we've seen yet.

Please note: system requirements have not changed drastically, but you may need to upgrade some older software for compatibility. Consult this page for a comprehensive guide, or feel to reach out directly.

More efficient RightFax Workflows design & management

When fax delivery is mission-critical, service level agreements are key to tracking and upholding a reliable flow of information.

Actually getting SLA data can be a challenge, though, so OpenText has added direct SLA support into the latest version of RightFax Workflows.

As for workflow logic itself, users will find it easier than ever to manage. Key updates include logical branching, exception handling, and more accessible workflow metadata.

A more modern, streamlined UI

Fax message creation takes as little as two clicks in the refined RightFax 20.2 UI. That means quicker transmission and less training and support for end users. Other enhancements include dark mode support, better drag-and-drop interaction, and instant document previews to round out the modernized UI.

Epic EHR Connector updates in RightFax 20 EP2

For many large providers than run on Epic, it's burdensome to track patient information exchange. Real-time monitoring is tough, or impossible, and IT often lacks the bandwidth to implement it. RightFax has long been the go-to solution for reliable, scalable, and easily monitored EHR faxing. Now, the certified, API-based Epic connector offers deeper, more flexible integration than ever before.

Outlook and general email-to-fax improvements

The new RightFax Outlook connector look and feels just like Outlook itself. Now, anyone who is comfortable with this standard email client will be immediately at-home and productive with fax, as well.

And regardless of the mail service, RightFax admins have two new ways to manage outgoing traffic through email gateways.

The first is the ability to schedule a gateway only to send faxes during certain hours, such as off-peak periods like evenings and weekends. The second is the ability to assign a gateway to certain user groups, thereby balancing traffic and maximizing deliverability.

RightFax 20.2 Web API updates

It has been a perennial challenge to build custom applications that match RightFax desktop capabilities. The latest Web API finally brings them into parity. Custom software now has full access to RightFax client features without compromising on branding, workflow, or integrations.

Easier connector management

Finally, RightFax 20 EP2 makes management easier for several of the most popular add-ons, namely the XML Generator, Vault, and several MFP connectors. Each helps RightFax serve you with more convenience, reliability, and simplicity than ever before.

If features like these might get you closer to your information management goals, then we'll make sure your upgrade is swift and smooth. Please contact us today to confirm your support status and begin planning with a senior RightFax engineer.

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