RightFax Security & Compliance Highlights

RightFax protects sensitive information during fax transmission and storage. Key measures include encryption to safeguard data, secure delivery mechanisms to limit faxes to their intended recipients, Active Directory integration, and granular audit trails and access control.

RightFax supports compliance with industry standards such as HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and GDPR, and its infrastructure is regularly audited for standards like SAS70 and SOC2. As the industry standard in healthcare, it also offers HIPAA-compliant Business Associate Agreements (BAAs) and data sovereignty options.

Refer to the tables below for more details on specific RightFax security features as well as a comparison to traditional, paper-based faxing.

RightFax Security and Compliance Features

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at Feature Benefits
1 dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:51 PM dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:51 PM Encryption Prevents interception of data in transit or unauthorized access to data at rest.
2 dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:51 PM dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:51 PM Secure Delivery Ensures faxes reach the intended recipient securely. Reduces risk of misdelivery and unauthorized viewing.
3 dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:51 PM dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:51 PM User Authentication Uses systems like Active Directory so only authorized personnel can send/receive faxes.
4 dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:51 PM dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:51 PM Audit Trails Supports audits and compliance by logging all activity around every fax.
5 dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:51 PM dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:51 PM Access Controls Supports granular user permissions to minimize the risk of data breaches or unauthorized actions.
6 dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:51 PM dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:51 PM Regulatory Compliance Reduces the effort of complying with regulations like HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and GDPR.
7 dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:51 PM dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:51 PM Third-Party Audits Independent reviews verify compliance with SAS 70 and SOC 2.
8 dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:51 PM dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:51 PM Privacy Agreements Available BAAs help covered entities comply with HIPAA.
9 dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:51 PM dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:51 PM Data Sovereignty Control over data location facilitates compliance with local data protection laws.

Risk Comparison: RightFax vs. Paper-Based Faxing

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at Risks Paper-Based Faxing RightFax / Cloud Fax Solution
1 dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:56 PM dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:56 PM Unintended Recipients No safeguards besides physical "lock-and-key" access control. Secure, private, personal delivery.
2 dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:56 PM dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:56 PM Routing Issues Delivery to wrong recipient is impossible to prevent and hard to detect. Routing rules, phonebook look-ups, and status reports ensure correct delivery.
3 dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:56 PM dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:56 PM Lost Pages Physical documents are easily jumbled or misplaced. Digital receipt and automatic routing make documents easy to track.
4 dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:56 PM dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:56 PM Delivery Promptness Prone to delays, which can be hard to identify. Timely delivery with near-real-time monitoring.
5 dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:56 PM dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:56 PM Misdialed Numbers Manual dialing is highly prone to error. Automated dialing ensures accuracy and allows for centralized contact management.
6 dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:56 PM dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:56 PM Compliance with Laws Paper document handling risks are hard to mitigate and difficult to audit. Built-in audit and control features facilitate compliance.
7 dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:56 PM dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:56 PM Audit Capabilities Little or no detail beyond transmission numbers and times. Comprehensive logging of transmissions, metadata, and even document content.
8 dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:56 PM dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:56 PM Vendor Infrastructure Compliance Not applicable. Supports compliance with standards like SAS 70, SOC 2, and PCI-DSS.
9 dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:56 PM dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:56 PM Privacy Agreements Not applicable. BAAs available for HIPAA compliance.
10 dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:56 PM dev0paperless 08/07/2024 02:56 PM Data Sovereignty Not applicable. Allows control over data location.

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