Digital Fax Integration With ReadSoft Online / Tungsten AP Essentials

Tungsten AP Essentials (formerly ReadSoft Online) expedites high-volume invoice processing through rapid capturing and custom workflow integration. And in combination with RightFax or Private Fax Cloud®, it can drive entirely paperless document workflows.

The low-maintenance Tungstet / ReadSoft solution eliminates manual workflows and data entry from faxed invoices and other paper sources, while RightFax ensures that all future faxes are electronic from start to finish.

The Benefits of Tungsten-RightFax Integration

Tungsten AP Essentials opens up the possibility of a paperless office, and RightFax can help actualize it. Tungsten + RightFax users are able to:

  • Put an end to piles of paper documents that consumer valuable time and resources
  • Make both inbound and outbound faxing into one-click desktop processes—no more time wasted at the fax machine!
  • Retain all the security advantages of traditional faxing without the exorbitant device and telecom costs
  • If desired, eliminate physical infrastructure by moving both faxing and document processing to the cloud

Another key feature of RightFax is its secure fax archive, which Tungsten can access for document recognition/conversion. This results in a searchable repository that is easily integrated with enterprise archival/content management systems.

RightFax Support & Consulting

At Paperless Productivity, our core competency is deploying RightFax alongside data capture technology. We have implemented RightFax with solutions like Tungsten / ReadSoft for a multitude of organizations in nearly every sector, with workflows as simple as small-office scanning and as complex as distributed capture for multinational firms.

Whatever your fax and data capture requirements, our team brings deep technical expertise and a highly effective RightFax support and training strategy. For a live demonstration, or to schedule a casual chat with an expert, please reach out to our team.

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