New Webinar Announcement: OCR for Data Capture Automation in Transportation & Logistics


Paperless Productivity

Posted on: December 4, 2014

The last few weeks, we’ve been working hard alongside our friends at ABBYY USA, makers of the extremely popular FlexiCapture OCR software, to produce a webinar on how OCR delivers great results for transportation and logistics firms.

For all who missed the live stream, here’s a quick overview of the key points.

(As a brief background note, ABBYY has been creating cutting-edge technology since 1989 from both its Moscow headquarters and over a dozen other offices worldwide—including Milpitas, CA. Simply put, ABBYY’s objective is to turn information into productivity, and that’s precisely what this webinar featured.)

ABBYY’s and our own experiences have consistently shown that paper slows down shipping workflows. Processes quite often require documents to be printed (or received on paper in the first place), passed around, and manually entered for customs, billing, and other purposes. This sort of workflow is error-prone, slow, and often plagued by duplication of efforts.

The goal of OCR data capture automation is to eliminate the paper. Substantial reductions are always possible, and in some cases, paper can be removed completely. However, as the webinar goes on to explain, the benefits go far beyond a faster and more accurate workflow. For instance, OCR facilitates remote scanning of key documents, so that centralized systems can be accessed and updated from all remote locations.

But it gets better. Once the data have been captured, clients can actually validate critical data against databases and/or customized business rules. For instance, many firms find this functionality helpful for assigning tariff codes, where even a slight error can mean the difference between an uneventful delivery and a severely delayed one. Finally, ABBYY’s data capture software allows data to be exported automatically, e.g., to the Automated Broker Interface or virtually any other electronic destination.

How does this all work in practice? Our friends at ABBYY assembled an excellent demonstration for this webinar, so be sure to visit our videos pages or YouTube channel and see for yourself!

If you’d like to discuss what we cover in the video, request a live demo, find out how to buy FlexiCapture for your organization, or learn more about our automation solutions portfolio, feel free to contact us at your convenience.

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