Solution for Health Information Exchange Struggles


Paperless Productivity

Posted on: November 14, 2013

A recent HIMSS report indicated that healthcare organizations continually struggle to institute an effective means of health information exchange (HIE) that improves patient care through increased speed and quality of patient information exchange and decreased cost. Furthermore, the report found that those looking to improve the distribution of PHI are running into budgetary restrictions as other projects are found to be of higher priority.

According to Jennifer Horowitz, Senior Director of Research for HIMSS Analytics, “hospitals clearly understand the value of electronic sharing of health-related information among organizations […] but meaningful engagement between healthcare organizations and easy ways to share patient information, both in paper and electronic formats, still remain a challenge.”
Yet while industry leaders recognize the benefit of successful and dynamic health information exchange, the successful deployment of HIE that improves the quality of patient care through speedy and accurate information exchange is often placed as a lower priority to other projects and do not receive the budgetary resources necessary for adoption.
RightFax serves as a perfect solution to integrate electronic and paper based information exchange. RightFax provides:

  • Stable and tested integrations with all major EMR systems
  • Drastically costs
  • Improves speed of information exchange
  • Is a fully HIPAA compliant
  • Offers certified and encrypted delivery options

RightFax provides a cost-effective solution to bridge the information exchange gap within healthcare organizations that improves the quality of patient care. RightFax provides quick ROI that can be a huge win for organizations looking to extend savings from RightFax to other projects and initiatives.

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