RightFax Integration with Siebel

RightFax integrates with Oracle Siebel CRM to automate the delivery of essential business documents, helping organizations reduce costs, speed up response times, and improve customer interactions.

Communication with customers and prospects generates mountains of information through emails, calls, and often faxes. The latter often lead to burdensome paper processes, resulting in the delay or loss of critical information. RightFax–Siebel integration helps digitize customer interactions across all channels for more responsive and cost-effective communication.

Private Fax Cloud®, our fully managed RightFax platform, makes Siebel fax automation quicker and lower-maintenance than ever before.

RightFax integrates with Siebel for business process automation

Why Integrate RightFax with Siebel?

Document process automation is nearly always the fundamental goal. It can deliver:

  • Quick ROI and reduced costs as manual processes are eliminated
  • Quicker communication and an accelerated business cycle through more automatic, less error-prone document handling
  • Secure, compliance communication thanks to a comprehensive audit trail, tracking, and notifications

How RightFax Improves the Siebel User Experience

RightFax enhances Siebel CRM by simplifying document delivery workflows and improving control over customer communication. Key features include:

  • Direct faxing to/from Siebel without cumbersome additional steps
  • Real-time fax status visibility for easy, intuitive monitoring
  • Total control over fax data storage and access

To arrange a RightFax demo or discuss your integration with a solutions engineer, please contact us online or at 1-877-MY FAXING (693-2946) today.

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