RightFax Healthcare Direct & Fax HIE

Many organizations have already eliminated the financial and labor burdens of paper fax by adopting RightFax, the market-leading digital fax solution in healthcare. Referrals, lab requests, care summaries, insurance forms, internal documents, and much more can all be managed without printing or manually faxing one single sheet of paper.

Nonetheless, direct electronic HIE has generally required one of two things: either costly third-party software or a clunky, government-developed, open-source alternative, neither of which make sense for organizations without large IT teams with ample capacity for new projects.

We see every day that paperless faxing is an unparalleled cost-saver—and all the more so in industries with extensive privacy and security standards. But what if the benefits of seamless EHR fax integration could extend to directed exchange communication, which accounts for hundreds of millions of nationwide transactions per year? Watch this brief video to find out.

If you’ve already implemented (or started planning for) a RightFax solution, then OpenText’s new RightFax Healthcare Direct solution fills the gap between EHR faxing and directed exchange. This means that when you're tasked with fulfilling Meaningful Use criteria quickly and cost-effectively, you will be able to:

  • Maximize EHR returns by leverage an existing RightFax integration for more flexible communication
  • Gain peace of mind by relying on OpenText's information security professionals for your critical HIE and Direct Project compliance
  • Avoid messaging problems by letting Healthcare Direct automatically identify Direct-ready recipients and automatically fall back to faxing when needed

RightFax’s broad deployment and numerous native EHR integrations have already changed the way healthcare organizations exchange information. Now, with Healthcare Direct, it is ready to do so once again.

RightFax Interoperability with the Direct Project

The Direct Project, part of the ONC-funded Nationwide Health Information Network (NwHIN), is one of the most innovative large-scale health information exchange projects to date. It consists of two fundamental components that facilitate secure online HIE between EMR / EHR customers, federal and state / local health agencies, and other key stakeholders.

The Applicability Statement for Secure Health Transport outlines specific encryption and authentication protocols for internet-based HIE.

Similarly, XDR and XDM for Direct Messaging provides guidance on direct exchange metadata, interaction with endpoints, and other requirements for each individual message.

These standards can be complex to implement, and may involve major IT interruptions, resulting in lost time and money in pursuit of compliance. On the other hand, with RightFax Healthcare Direct, OpenText has already done the heavy lifting, letting you focus more on care-enhancing connectivity and less on arcane technical criteria.

The Next Step for HIE with RightFax

As a leading healthcare fax consultancy with RightFax engineers coast to coast, Paperless Productivity® can help you:

  • Achieve an ultra-reliable, EHR-integrated fax environment with minimal maintenance
  • Implement Healthcare Direct with a new or existing RightFax platform
  • Extract a greater RightFax ROI through integration with medical forms processing solutions that reduce both paper and manual input even further

To learn more about Healthcare Direct and other ways to get more value out of your digital fax investment, please contact a representative today online or at 877-MY-FAXING.

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